How does your family share the house work

2 câu trả lời

My mom sweeps the floor, my dad goes to work and I go to school.


There are four people in my family including my parents, my older sister and me.We all agree that all members of the family should share the housework, so we divide the household chores equally.My dad is responsible for doing heavy lifting.He also mows the lawn once a week.My mum does most of the cooking and shops for groceries.Being the elder child in the family, My older sister, Lan takes up a large share of housework.She washes clothes, does the washing-up, and waters the houseplants every day. My sister sometimes does the cooking when our mum is busy.My responsibilities include taking out the rubbish and cleaning the fridge once a week.My sister and I take turns laying the table for meals, tidying up the house, and feeding the dog.We know that many hands make light work, and that will also create a positive atmosphere for the family. Therefore, we are willing to work together on household chores.

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