Help me ! Homework : Rewrite sentences without changing the meaning 1.We aren't allowed to go home late - We ................................................................................. 2.You don't have to wear astronaunt outfits on Space day. You don't............................................................................. 3.Custom is not similar to tradition Custom is................................................................... 4.people pass down tradition to the next generations Tradition.................................................................................... 5.This custom is so popular that everyone knows it. It's such............................................................................................... 6.There are some stilt house in my village. My village.............................................................................................. 7.I'll ask the shopkeeper how much the shawl is I'll ask the shopkeeper what........................................ 8.They are building a bridge in this area A bridge.......................................................................... 9.This country is so multicultural that many tourists visit it Many tourists................................................................ 10.What are these stilt house made of ? What................................................................................. 11.There are some stilt house in my village My village..........................................

2 câu trả lời

1. We have to go home early

2. It isn't necessary to wear astronaut outfits on Space day

3. Custom isn't the same as tradition

4. Tradition is passed down to the next generation

5. It's such a popular custom that everyone knows it

6. My village has some stilt house

7. I'll ask the shopkeeper what price is the shawl

8. A bridge is being built in this area

9. Many tourists visit it because this country is so multicultural

10. What are these stilt house built on? 

11. 11 giống 6 

1. We are disallowed to go home late

2. You mustn't wear astronaunt outfits on Space day.

3. Custom is different from tradition

4. Tradition is passed down to the next generations

5. It's such a popular custom that everyone knows it.

6. My village has some stilt houses

7. I'll ask the shopkeeper what the shawl cost

8. A bridge is being built in this area

9. Many tourists visit this country because it is so multicultural

10. What made out these stilt houses?

11. Giống câu 6. My village has some stilt houses