-He said I could concentrate on more important matters.(TURN) -Jason and I shared the driving.(TURNS) -The loss of the account was not our fault.(BLAME) -We ought to have dropped in on Muriel when we were in town.(PAID) ? I need now, please hurry up!

2 câu trả lời

 1.He said I could turn to more important matters

 2. Jason and I took turns to drive

 3. We weren't to blame for the accident

4.  We ought to have paid a visit to Muriel when we were in town


-He said I could concentrate on more important matters.(TURN)

 He said I could turn to more important matters.

-Jason and I shared the driving.(TURNS)

  Jason and I took turns to drive.

-The loss of the account was not our fault.(BLAME)

  We weren't to blame for the accident.

-We ought to have dropped in on Muriel when we were in town.(PAID)

  We ought to have paid a visit to Muriel when we were in town.

@@@CHO MK HY CHG NHÉ!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@

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