H :Choose the best answer 1. My mother went to London ________ see my aunt's family. A. in order to              B. so that             C. not to 2. Julie saves money ________ buy a new motorbike. A. not in order to           B. as so to             C. so that she can 3. Sarah went to the photocopy shop ______ print out her research report. A. so that                B. to                 C. in order for 4. Concentrate on your exercise ___________make any mistakes. A. not to                 B. so as to not          C. in order not to 5. He is looking for a part time job _________ gain some hands-on experience. A. so as to                B. so as for            C. so that 6. I accepted her suggestion ___________ upset her. A. so that                 B. so as not to         C. not to 7. Sophie reads the newspaper every day ___________ know what's in the news.

2 câu trả lời

1, A - in order to (in order to do sth: để làm việc gì)

2, C - so that she can (so that + mệnh đề: để mà …)

3, B - to (to do sth: để làm gì)

4, C - in order not to (in order not to do sth: để mà không làm gì)

5, A - so as to (so as to do sth = in order to do sth: để làm gì)

6, B - so as not to (so as not to do sth: để không làm gì)

1. A

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. B

7. to/ in order to/ so as to/ so that she can 

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