Give the correct form of the words in the brackets in each of the following sentences. 44. Many seabirds were _____________ because of the oil spill. (die) 45. Trees can’t grow here because the soil is too _____________. (pollute) 46. Light pollution makes us _____________ to see the stars in the sky. (able) 47. What’s a _____________? It’s a substance that contaminates something. (pollute) 48. Waste from households will gradually _____________ the lake. (contamination) 49. That fierce storm left behind badly _____________ buildings. (damage) 50. Noise is regarded as _____________ pollution. (environment) 51. Fish and many other animals are killed by _____________ in their habitat. (pollute) 52. Scientists say that exhaust fumes are _____________ our city. (poison) 53. _____________ waste spills can contaminate groundwater. (industry)

2 câu trả lời

44. dead

45. polluted

46. unable

47. pollution

48. contaminate

49. damaged

50. environmental

51. pollution

52. poisoning

53. Industrial


ℂ?? ??̀?? ??? ?* + ??̉? ?̛? + ??̂? ???̉ ??̛̀? ??? ???̂́? ??? >~<

~ ????? ???? ?? ~

44. dead

45. polluted

46. unable

47. pollution

48. contaminate

49. damaged

50. environmental

51. pollution

52. poisoning

53. Industrial

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