Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets, using passive form. 1. An island(cover)______________________by water. 2. I (invite)______________________ to the party last night but I didn't come. 3. Many accidents(cause)______________________by reckless driving in 2010. 4. Your pizza (deliver) _________________________ in forty minutes. 5. Thank goodness! My jewelry(not /steal)___________________in the robbery last night. 6. The examinees(tell)______________________the result of the examination next week. 7. The electric light bulb(invent)______________________by Thomas Edison. 8. Mickey Mouse cartoons(translate)______________________in sixty languages. 9. The next concert(stop) __________________________ because of the storm. 10. Nylon(invent)____________________ by an American chemist, Julian Hill in the 1930s.

2 câu trả lời

1. covers

2. invited

3. caused

4. will deliver

5. didn't steal

6. will tell

7. invented

8. translation

9. will stop

10. invented

1. Is covered

2. Had been invited

3. Were caused

4. Will be delivered

5. Wasn't stolen 

6. Will be told

7. Was invented 

8. Has been translated

9. Will be stopped

10.  Was invented

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