Giups mik 7 câu này 1.The strong winds last night scattered debris across the seaside. A: Debris was scattered across the seaside. B: Debris is scattered across the seaside by the strong winds last night. C: Debris was scattered across the seaside by the strong winds last night. D: Debris has been scattered across the seaside by the strong winds last night. 2.He did his homework, and then he watched TV. A: Before he did his homework, and then he watched TV. B: Before he had done his homework, he watched TV. C: After he had done his homework, he watched TV. D: By the time he did his homework, he had watched TV. 3.The volunteers have rescued three cats. A: Three cats has been rescued by the volunteers. B: Three cats are rescued by the volunteers. C: Three cats have been rescued by the volunteers. D: Three cats were rescued by the volunteers. 4.He fell off the tree and _____. A: was injured himself badly B: was bad injured C: badly injured D: was badly injured 5. I ___ my English exercises before I went out. A: had done B: was doing C: do D: did 6.In 2004, a tsunami suddenly destroyed a part of Indonesia. A: A part of tsunami suddenly destroyed Indonesia in 2004. B: A part of Indonesia is suddenly destroyed Indonesia in 2004. C: A part of Indonesia was suddenly destroyed by a tsunami in 2004. D: Indonesia suddenly destroyed a tsunami in 2004 7. A heavy storm swept through the village and many people ______. A: are killed B: kill C: killed D: were killed

2 câu trả lời

1. C

2. C

3. C

4. D

5. A

6. C

7. D

1 C

2 C

3 C

4 D

5 A

6 C

7 D