Giúp mình với các bạn ENGLISH 8 COMPARISONS I. Underline the correct form of the word. 1. We’ve all been working very hard / hardly and now we’re tired 2. Our school Internet connection is really slow / slowly. 3. What’s the matter with him? He looks angry / angrily. 4. The children are playing quiet / quietly in the garden. 5. Rural areas are common / commonly known as the countryside or a village. 6. Nomadic children are very brave / bravely to learn to ride a horse at the age of five. 7. The sun is shining bright / brightly through the trees. 8. We all find living in the city very stressful / stressfully. 9. Don’t talk so fast / fastly– I can’t understand what you’re saying. 10. John was a kindly and generous / generously man. II. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of adverbs in the box. Add ‘than’ where necessary. 1. The teacher spoke ___________ to help us to understand. 2. She answered all the questions __________ the other students and she got a very good mark. 3. The Spanish athlete ran ___________ the other runners, so he won the race. 4. Jim threw the ball ___________ Peter. 5. This street is crowded and narrow. Couldn’t you drive a bit ___________? 6. These days we are eating ___________ ever before. 7. I did ___________ on the test than Mark did. He got an A+ and I just got an A. 8. Machines can help farmers harvest ___________. 9. Does more money make you work ___________? 10. You’re talking so loudly. Could you speak a bit ___________, please? III. Underline the correct words or phrases. 1. Cattle usually cross over the road. You should drive more careful / more carefully. 2. Life in some parts of the country is boring / more boring than that in other parts. 3. The old usually get up earlier / more early than the young. 4. An ox doesn’t plough weller / better than a buffalo. 5. These 7 thinking habits will help you become more confident / more confidently. 6. Don’t worry. The river is not as deep / deeper as it looks. 7. After a hard working day, you may sleep soundlier / more soundly than usual. 8. My father has been much healthier / more healthy since he stopped smoking. 9. The air in the mountainous zones is more fresh / fresher than that in the cities. 10. I can’t understand. Would you ask him to speak clearlier / more clearly? IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Some people think that health is _____________ than money. (important) 2. The pollution in our city is much _____________ than it used to be. (bad) 3. My new teacher explained the lessons _____________ than my old teacher. (clear) 4. He doesn’t play volleyball as _____________ as his brother. (good) 5. Get rid of the sorrow! You will do it _____________ next time. (good) 6. Communication is a lot _____________ than it was 50 years ago. (easy) 7. People in rural areas wear _____________ than those in cities. (simple) 8. Robert arrived at the meeting _____________ than Francis. (late) 9. These trousers are too wide. Do you have any that are _____________? (narrow) 10. My mother always gets up _____________ than everybody else in the house. (early) 11. Rene speaks _____________ than the other ESL students in the class. (fluent) 12. Can’t you think of anything _____________ to say? (intelligent) 13. I think his new book is much _____________ than his last one. (boring) 14. Max finished the homework _____________ than anyone else in the class. (fast) 15. He doesn’t look as _____________ as he used to. (happy) V. Rewrite the sentences, using the given words. 1. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees. Today it’s only six degrees. => It’s 2. The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train. => It takes 3. We were very busy at work today. We are not as busy as that every day. => We 4. Jane cooks better than her sister. => Jane’s sister 5. Tom is the best football player in this team. => Nobody in this team

2 câu trả lời


1. hard

2. slow

3. angrily

4. quietly

5. commonly

6. brave

7. brightly

8. stressful

9. fast

10. generous


1. slowlier

2. faster

3. faster

4. further

5. narrower

6. more than


8. easier

9. happier

10. more quiet


1. more carefully

2. boring

3. earlier

4. better

5. more confident

6. not as deep

7. soundlier

8. more healthy

9. fresher

10. more clearly


1. more important

2. worse

3. clealier

4. good

5. better

6. easier

7. simplier

8. later

9. narrower

10. earlier

11. more fluently

12. intelligent

13. more boring

14. faster

15. happy


1. It's only six degrees today although yesterday the temperature was nine degrees

2. It takes four hours by car and five hours by train

3. Today we are busier at work than every day

4. Jane's sister cooks worse than Jane

5. Nobody in this team is better than Tom


1. hard : chăm chỉ/hardly : hầu như không
2. slow (be really adj)
3. angry (look adj)
4. quietly (play là động từ -> cần trạng từ)
5. commonly (be adv V3/ed)
6. brave (be very adj)
7. brightly (shine là động từ -> cần trạng từ)
8. stressfully (find sth adj)
9. fast ( adv)
10. generous (and -> nối hai từ cùng hình thức)
II/ Complete the sentences with the comparative form of adverbs in the box. -> Đề thiếu các trạng từ được cho sẵn.

1. more carefully ( drive là động từ -> so sánh hơn của trạng từ)

2. more boring

3. earlier

4. better

5. more confident

6. deep

7. more soundly (sleep là động từ -> so sánh hơn của trạng từ)

8. healthier

9. fresher

10. more clearly (speak là động từ -> so sánh hơn của trạng từ)

So sánh hơn

+ Tính từ dài : more adj than

+ Tính từ ngắn : adj-er than

So sánh hơn của good là better.

So sánh bằng : as adj as


1. more important

2. worse ( so sánh hơn của bad)

3. more clearly (explain là động từ -> so sánh hơn của trạng từ)

4. well (play là động từ -> so sánh bằng as adv as)

5. better

6. easier

7. more simply ( wear là động từ -> so sánh hơn của trạng từ)

8. later

9. narrower

10. earlier

11. more fluently (speak là động từ -> so sánh hơn của trạng từ)

12. more intelligent

13. more boring

14. faster

15. happy (look + adj)


1. It's colder today than it was yesterday.

2. It takes longer by train than by car.

3. We were busier at work today than usual.

4. Jane's sister doesn't cook as well as Jane does.

5. Nobody in this team plays football better than Tom.

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