Giúp mình với ạ I.Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses (Hãy cung cấp hình thức đúng của động từ trong ngoặc): 1. There has been some (reduce) ……………………….in unemployment. 2. The child is the (produce) ………………………… of a broken home. 3. Flowers are often (fertile) ………………………………by bees as they gather nectar. 4. He was the Queen’s (represent) …………………….at the ceremony. 5. Workers should wear full (protect) ……………………….clothing. 6. His father is an (environment ) …………………… health officer. 7. A (nature) …………………….is a person who studies animals, planst, birds, and other living things. 8. He got into (difficult) …………………………while swimming and had to be rescued. 9. A service was held in (remember) …………………………..of local soldiers killed in the war. 10. I can’t think of any possible (explain) ………………………..for his absence.

2 câu trả lời

1. There has been some (reduce) …reduction…………………….in unemployment.

2. The child is the (produce) ………production………………… of a broken home.

3. Flowers are often (fertile) ………………fertilized………………by bees as they gather nectar.

4. He was the Queen’s (represent) ………representative…………….at the ceremony.

5. Workers should wear full (protect) …………protective…………….clothing.

6. His father is an (environment ) …………environmentalist………… health officer.

7. A (nature) ………naturalist…………….is a person who studies animals, planst, birds, and other living things.

8. He got into (difficult) …………diffculty………………while swimming and had to be rescued.

9. A service was held in (remember) ………………remembrance…………..of local soldiers killed in the war.

10. I can’t think of any possible (explain) …………explanations……………..for his absence.

1. reduction

2. production

3. fertilized

4. representative

5. protective

6 environmentalist




10. explanations

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