GIúp mình tóm tắt đoạn sau với ạ ! According to a report from time magazine out this past weekend, a woman by the name of Danni Askini went to the hospital, tested positive for coronavirus after several trips to the emergency room at the suggestion of her doctor. And then at the end of all this, after the coronavirus testing, coronavirus treatment, received a bill for just a few dollars shy of $ 35,000. Now according to reports, Ms.Askini did not have health insurance, so this was the price that she had to pay or was asked to pay straight up out of pocket, $ 35,000. Now here’s the thing. This story is not unique. In fact, the Kaiser family foundation, let me, I’ll just read it. This is from the Hill. The story of her bill comes as the Kaiser family foundation has released a study predicting the average cost of coronavirus treatment for someone with insurance and without health complications would total around $ 9,763 and treatment for someone with complications could top $ 20,000. That’s with insurance. If you have health insurance and say you have a preexisting condition or you get coronavirus and, you know, it gets kind of bad for you, you’re going to be looking at over $ 20,000 in hospital bills. Folks, this is not sustainable and this story highlights every possible thing that is wrong with the current healthcare system here in the United States, and I know we have some people out there, Joe Biden’s one of them, saying that no, all coronavirus testing should be free and all treatment should be free for this one disease. That’s not good enough. That’s absolutely not even good enough. That is in fact insulting because yes, we’re in the middle of a pandemic. But what about somebody who goes in and gets treatment for cancer and they don’t have insurance? What about somebody who has a heart attack and has to be taken in for an emergency bypass and only to find out later they don’t have insurance? Those people get billed hundreds of thousands of dollars. Women going into have a child get billed tens of thousands of dollars. This isn’t just related to coronavirus. This is related to every single aspect of American healthcare. We can do better. In fact, we have to do better. We cannot allow people to just die in this country because they can’t afford these hospital bills. Nobody who contracts a serious illness, whether it’s coronavirus or cancer or diabetes, should ever think to themselves, should I get treatment because I don’t know if I can pay for it. That’s unacceptable and it’s proof that we failed. Capitalism failed us. The federal government failed us. Our healthcare system failed us. The whole thing should be nationalized. The whole thing, every single piece of healthcare in the United States, from pharmaceuticals to hospitals should be nationalized because what’s happening to people right now with these surprise bills that they’re getting is nothing short of criminal (496 words)

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From a report from a time magazine out this weekend , a woman named Askini tested positive for coronavirus after trips to the emergency room at the suggestion of her doctor. And then after coronavirus treatment, received a bill of 35000 dollars.  Ms Askini did not have health insurance, so this was the price that she had to pay. The story of her bill has released a study predicting the average cost of coronavirus treatment for someone with insurance without health complications would total around $9,763 and $20,000  for someone with complications.  this story highlights every wrong with the healthcare system in the US. Joe Biden’s one of people out there argues that this testing and treatment disease should be free.

But what about somebody who gets treatment for others disease and don’t have insurance or the one who is goibng to have a child ? Those people get billed hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is related to every aspect of American healthcare.  We cannot let people die in this country. Capitalism, The federal government , Our healthcare system failed us. The whole thing should be nationalized. The whole thing because what’s happening to people right now with these surprise bills that they’re getting is nothing short of criminal

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Sau khi Abraham Lincoln được nhân dân cả nước bầu lên làm Tổng thống, ông đã xóa bỏ chế độ nô lệ, mang lại công bằng, tự do cho hàng triệu người dân ở Mỹ. Tuy nhiên, những người chống đối ông vì lợi ích cá nhân đã không cam chịu, nên họ muốn khơi dậy một cuộc nội chiến. Một số viên chức nhà nước thấy vậy rất hoang mang, họ tìm đến Tổng thống Abraham Lincoln vừa mới nhận chức, phàn nàn ông vì đã để diễn ra cuộc nội chiến này. Đáp lại những lời kêu ca trên, Tổng thống kể cho họ nghe câu chuyện sau đây: - Có một người đàn ông nọ trở về nhà trong đêm mưa bão. Ông ta phải lội qua suối nhưng vì trời tối nên chẳng thấy đường. Rồi tia chớp lóe lên trong giây lát soi rõ lối cho ông. Tuy nhiên, theo sau tia chớp là tiếng sấm rền và rồi người đàn ông chỉ biết loay hoay đứng bên bờ suối than trời trách đất tại sao lại có tiếng sấm rền mà không chịu tiếp tục lội qua bờ suối để về nhà. Kể đến đây, Abraham Lincoln nhìn những viên chức kia và hỏi: - Theo quý vị, người đàn ông ấy làm như vậy liệu có về được tới nhà không? Bấy giờ các viên chức mới hiểu Tổng thống cần giải pháp thực tế chứ không phải những lời phàn nàn. Đến đây, Lincoln nói tiếp: - Giống như con gà trống và mặt trời, dù cho gà trống cất tiếng gáy báo hiệu bình minh nhưng chỉ có mặt trời mới xóa tan màn đêm, mang ánh sáng cho muôn loài, chọn gà trống hay chọn mặt trời là tùy quý vị 1. Các viên chức đến thăm Lincoln với mục đích gì? 2. Vì sao Lincoln lại kể câu chuyện trên cho họ? 3.Thông điệp nào từ văn bản có ý nghĩa nhất đối với anh chị 4. Tác hại của việc thường xuyên than thở, phàn nàn là gì? plaesssssss giúp mik với mik đg cần gấp

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