giúp em vs ạ em vote 5 sao cho câu trả lời đúng nhất 1. Much ........................................ work requires a good knowledge of mathematics. (science) 2. We have to admire her ...................................... to learn English.. (determinate) 3. The doctor told me to........................................ in slowly. (breath) 4. I’m ........................................... in your project because it is .................................. . (interest) 5. He drives ......................................... . As a result, he often has accidents. (care) 6. I don’t feel at ........................................ when living with him in the same room. (easy) 7. He had little schooling, that’s way he didn’t have good ………………………….. (educate) 8. I’m ................................... sorry for the delay. (extreme) 9. He was sacked for his ......................................when he controlled the new machine. (care) 10. Isaac Newton was a very ……………………………scientist of England. (fame)

1 câu trả lời


1. scientific

2. determination

3. breathe

4. interested

5. carelessly

6. ease

7. education

8. extremely

9. carelessness

10. famous

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