GIÚP EM VỚI : Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc sau 1. _______ creates hardship for all members of the family.(employ) 2. I don’t have a job, so I live on ________ benefit.(employ) 3. the government is encouraging_______ in heavy industry.(invest) 4. We can’t __________ with these low prices.(competitor) 5. My father lost his job 6 years ago ang has been __________ ever since.(employ) 6. Feny has just got ________ to a girl he’s known since he was a boy.(engage) 7. We were lucky enough to get tickets for the first _______(perform) 8. David is a very warm and ___________ person.(care) 9. Don’t believe a word Tom says. He is a terrible __________(lie) 10. Graham hates queuing . He’s very ___________(patient) 11. Does the package holiday include the _________(accommodate) 12. She was sentenced to 10 years’ ___________ for his part in the armed robbery.(prison) 13. Can you tell me the ___________ of this river? (deep) 14. She welcome us in a very _________________ way. (friend) 15. Knowing that he was ______________, we left his house.(friend) 16. He is said to be very ______________ carpenter. (skill) 17. The government has promised to deal with the _________________ among young people.(employ) 18. The dictionaries are with the other ___________ books.(refer) 19. Simso admitted that his cruel joke was _____________ (intend) 20. Thousands of people has been made ___________ by the war.(home) 21. Saucepans are sold in the ____________ goods department. (house) 22. His performance in King Lear was almost _____________(impress) 23. I was annoyed at his ______________ to co-operate.(refuse) 24. They set up many camps for _______________ (refuge) 25. _____________ many houses were demolished to make way for the roads.(fortunate) 26. The _______ of the trains and the buses causes annoyance. (frequent) 27. His behaviour always ______________ me at the party. (embarrass) 28. He used to draw cartoon for a ___________ magazine. (humour) 29. I received a lot of _________ from my parents and friends. (courage) 30. Daily conversation is also one of the most enjoyable forms of ____________ (entertain) 31. We should consolidate and promote our long ______________ and co-operation.(friend) 32. Many skilled workers will be ______________ next year. (employ) 33. His car is _____________. Its consumes a lot of petrol. (economy) 34. I can say that there are few __________ places in the world. (explore) 35. Many __________ zones are very attractive for investors. (economy) 36. The gases from chemical factory is very ____ and ___ (poison/ harm) 37. I’d like to book a direct _________ to Bangkok. (fly) 38. I am afraid that the radio I bought from your shop yesterday is ____________ (fault) 39. The _______ declarationg by him was translated into English.(depend) 40. Some people collect objects which are connected with _______________ events (history) 41. The films gave ____________ to many generations of children. (enjoy) 42. The Costwolds is an area of great ___________ in England. (beautiful) 43. It is _____________ to live in such a damp basemant flat. (health) 44. She was very _____________________ by the ghost stories. ( fright) 45. She ia very ______________ about the history of music and art.(know) 46. I thick he must be very __________ man. He knows everything. (learn) 47. She divorced him because of his _____________ to the children.(kind) 48. Crop _______________ was due to many weather conditions. (fail) 49. It is usually forbidden to destroy ______________ building. (history) 50. Many ________________ families had to live in hotels. (home)

1 câu trả lời


1. Unemployment: thất nghiệp

2. employee: nhân viên

3. investment: sự đầu tư

4. compete: cạnh tranh

5. unemployed

6. engaged: đính hôn

7. performance: buổi trình diễn

8. careful: cẩn thận

9. liar: kẻ nói dối

10. impatient: mất kiên nhẫn

11. accommodation: chỗ ở

12. imprisonment: sự giam cầm

13. depth: độ sâu

14. friendly: thân thiện

15. unfriendly

16. skillful: khéo léo

17. unemployment

18. reference: tham khảo

19. intentional: cố ý

20. homeless: vô gia cư

21. household: hộ gia đình

22. impressive: ấn tượng

23. refusal: sự từ chối

24. refugees: dân tị nạn

25. Unfortunately: không may

26. frequency: sự thường xuyên

27. embarrasses: làm xấu hổ

28. humourous: hài hước

29. encouragement: sự động viên

30. entertainment: giải trí

31. friendship: tình bạn

32. unemployed

33. economical: tiết kiệm

34. unexplored: chưa được khám phá

35. economic: kinh tế

36. poisonous: độc - harmful: có hại

37. flight: chuyến bay

38. faulty: lỗi

39. dependable: đáng tin cậy

40. historic: thuộc lịch sử

41. enjoyment: sự thích thú

42. beauty: vẻ đẹp

43. unhealthy: không tốt cho sức khỏe

44. frightened: sợ hãi

45. knowledgeable: hiểu biết

46. learned: thông thái

47. unkindness: không tốt

48. failure: mất mùa

49. historical

50. homeless

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