giải dùm em anh chị 1/ They have built this house..............a long time. 2/ We have lived .....An Lao.....14 years. 3/ There are some books........the table........the right corner.......the room 4/ The course begins......January and ends .....April. 5/ I usually watch TV ......the evening. 6/ The stadium is in............of my house. 7/ He often gets up..........5.30...........the morning but.......Sunday morning he gets up late. 8/ English learners learn words ..............different ways 9/ Thank you very much ...........lending me your bike 10/ I got good grades.............English and Math last semester 11/ All students enjoy taking part ............outdoor activities 12. Should should learn ............heart these new words.

2 câu trả lời

1 for



4 in,in




8 in


10 at


12 by

đây là đáp án của tui bà thử coi đúng ko:3

1. For

2. In - for

3. On - at - of

4. In - in

5. In

6. Front

7. At - in - on

8. By

9. For

10. In

11. In

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