FINISH EACH OF THE SENTENCES IN SUCH A WAY THAT IT MEANS EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE SENTENCE PRINTED BEFORE IT 1. They study hard. They want to pass the exam. (in order to) -> 2. we are both bad at playing soccer but I am better than my brother. (badly) -> 3. I have not seen her for 2 years. -> 4. My sisters enjoy cooking. (interested in) -> 5. The last time I saw him was in 1985. (seen) -> 6. When did you begin to learn English? (learned) -> 7. Are you and Jane the same age? (old) -> 8. I expected my friends to arrive at 4 o'clock, but they arrived at 2 o'clock. (earlier) -> My friends 9. No one in the group is younger than Joanna. (youngest) -> Joanna is PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

2 câu trả lời

1.they study hard in order to pass the exam

2.we are both playing soccer badly, but I...


4. my sister is interested in cooking

5.i haven't seen him since 1985

6.when have you begun to learn English

7. am I old like Jane??:))


9. Joanna is the youngest person in the group.

1. they study hard in order to pass the exam

2. my brother plays soccer more badly than i do.

3. it's 2 years since i last saw her

4. my sister is interested in cooking

5. i haven't seen him since 1985

6. how long have you learned English?

9. Joanna is the youngest person in the group

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