Exercise 7: Turn these sentences into the passive voice 1. Vietnamese people celebrate Lunar New Year Festival around January and February. → __________________________________________________________________ 2. She teaches me how to pronounce this word correctly. →__________________________________________________________________ 3. The mad dog bit the little boy. →__________________________________________________________________ 4. Someone will pay you in ten days. →__________________________________________________________________ 5. The doctor ordered him to take a long rest. →__________________________________________________________________ 6. Lightning struck the house. →__________________________________________________________________ 7. Nguyen Hue School will hold an English-speaking Contest next month. →__________________________________________________________________ 8. They didn't allow Tom to take these books home. →__________________________________________________________________ 9. The teacher won't correct exercises tomorrow. →__________________________________________________________________ 10. When will you do the work? →__________________________________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

1. Lunar New Year Festival is celebrated by Vietnamese people around January and February.

2. I am taught how to pronounce this word correctly.

3. The little boy is bitten by the mad dog.

4. You will be payed in ten days.

5. He was ordered to take a long rest.

6. The house is strucked by lightning.

7. An English- speaking Contest will be hold by Nguyen Hue school next month.

8. Tom wasn't allowed to take these books home.

9. Excercises won't be corrected by the teacher tomorrow.

10. When will the work be done?

1. Lunar New Year Festival is celebrated by Vietnamese people around...

2. I am taught how to pronounce this word correctly by she

3. the little boy was bitten by the mad dog

4. you will be paid by someone in ten days

5. he was ordered by the doctor to take a long rest

6. the house was struck by lightning

7. an English Speaking Contest will be hold by Nguyen Hue School next month.

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