Exercise 4: Choose the correct answers. ​1.​................. more help, I could call my neighbor. ​A. Needed​ B. Should I need​ C. I have needed​ D.I should need ​2.​Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people ................. the same language? ​A. spoke​ B. speak​ C. had spoken​ D. will speak ​3.​if you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, ................. this incident again. ​A. I will never mention​ B. I never mention ​C. will I never mention​ D. I don’t mention ​4.​Unless you ................. all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you. ​A. answered​ B. answer​ C. would answer​ D. are answering ​5.​If someone ................. into the store, smile and say, “May I help you?” ​A. comes​ B. came​ C. would come​ D. could come ​6.​“Here’s my phone number”. ​“Thanks. I’ll give you a call if I ................. some help tomorrow” ​A. will need​ B. need​ C. would need​ D. needed ​7.​If I weren’t working for an accounting firm, I................. in a bank. ​A. work​ B. will work ​C. have worked​ D. would be working ​8.​The death rate would decrease if hygienic conditions ................. improved. ​A. was​ B. is​ C. were​ D. had been ​9.​The patient could not recover unless he ................. an operation. ​A. had undergone​ B. would undergo​ C. underwent​ D. was undergoing ​10.​If she ................. him, she would be very happy. ​A. would meet​ B. will meet​ C. is meeting​ D. met

2 câu trả lời

1, B(câu này mình nhầm nên là B)

2, A

3, A

4, B

5, A

6, B

7, D

8, C

9, C

10, D

Mình tự làm sẽ có chút sai sót mong bạn thông cảm=))











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