Exercise 2: 1. English is spoken all over world. 2. deaf are unable to hear anything. 3. I like studying Maths best. 4. People all over the world like football. 5. tea is produced in Thai Nguyen. 6. I wish today were on Sunday. 7. I often have breakfast at 6:00 pm and lunch at 11:00 pm. 8. She gave me apple and gave Lan 2 apples. 9. Smiths are going to Halong Bay next summer. 10. If I won the lottery, first I would buy piece of land in the country. 11. This morning I bought a newspaper and magazine. newspaper is in my bag but I. don't know where I put magazine. 12. Wayle is small river that cuts across park near my house. 13. Maria comes from United States. She is American girl. 14. The boy said: " Moon is bigger than Earth." 15. I bought car last week. car is over there. 16. I need few apples but lot of suggar. 17. Where is nearest shop? There is one at end of this street. 18. There are 2 cars parked outside: blue one and grey one. blue one belongs to my neighbours and I don't know who owner of grey one is. 19 My friends live in old house in small village. There is beautiful garden behind house. I would like to have garden like that. 20. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Exercise 3: 1. John and Mary went to school yesterday and then studied in library before returning home. 2. On our trip to Spain, we crossed Atlantic Ocean. 3. Rita plays violin and her sister plays guitar. 4. farmers who are working hard on their land almost get nothing for their lifetime. 5. David played basketball and baseball at Boy's club this year. 6. The political science class is taking trip to France in Spring. 7. Last night there was bird singing outside my house. 8. She would like to enjoy Sun rising, so she often gets up early. 9. He is honest person. 10. My father went to sea when he was 14. 11. When do you hope to go to university? 12. He is one-eyed man. 13. There is useful method of learning English. 14. I've got uncle. 15. Your shoes are under bed. 16. There is a strike at hospital. 17. There is onion left in the fridge. 18. There is a splendid (long lay) view of Lake Geneva from his hotel. 19. She is nurse, so her work is to take care of sick. 20. Summer is warmest season but summer of 1971 was unusually cool. Exercise 4: 1. blind are people who can't see anything. 2. deaf are people who can't hear anything. 3. My hometown is on the bank of Hong river. 4. Tung's father bought him bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday. 5. My mother goes to church in morning. 6. I eat banana every day. 7. Harry is a sailor. He spends most of his life at sea. 8. There are billions of stars in space. 9. He tried to park his car but the space wasn't large enough. 10. We had dinner in a restaurant. 11. We had meal in a restaurant. 12. rose is my favourite color. 13. When was computer invented? 14. My daughter plays piano very well. 15. Mary loves flowers. 16. Jill went to hospital to see her friend. 17. Mrs. Lan went to school to meet her son's daughter. 18. Carol went to prison to meet her brother. 19. Sandra works at a big hospital. She's nurse. 20. She works six days week. Exercise 5: 1. Sun is a star. 2. What did you have for breakfast this morning? 3. London is capital of England. 4. When was telephone invented? 5. We visited Canada and United States two years ago. 6. We haven't been to cinema for years. 7. Do you need umbrella? 8. injured man was taken to hospital. 9. She went out without money. 10. Toshi speaks Japanese at home. 11. A man and a woman were standing outside my house man looked English but I think woman was foreign. 12. The Soviet Union was first country to send a man into space. 13. Did you watch "Titanic" on television or at cinema? 14. After lunch, we went for a walk by sea. 15. Peru is country in South America. capital is Lima. 16. It was a beautiful day. sun shone brightly in sky. 17. It is said that Robin Hood robbed rich and gave the money to poor. 18. Life is not so easy for unemployed. 19. Many people were killed in the accident. The bodies of dead were taken away. 20. The butler (người quản gia) was last person I suspected.

1 câu trả lời



1. The

2. The

3. x

4. x

5. x

6. x

7. x

8. an 

9. The

10. a

11. The / the

12. The/a/the

13. The/an

14. The/the

15. A/the

16. x/a

17. The / the

18. The/the/the/the

19. An/a/the

20. x

Còn lại tạo thành một câu hỏi khác bạn nhé. 

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Sau khi Abraham Lincoln được nhân dân cả nước bầu lên làm Tổng thống, ông đã xóa bỏ chế độ nô lệ, mang lại công bằng, tự do cho hàng triệu người dân ở Mỹ. Tuy nhiên, những người chống đối ông vì lợi ích cá nhân đã không cam chịu, nên họ muốn khơi dậy một cuộc nội chiến. Một số viên chức nhà nước thấy vậy rất hoang mang, họ tìm đến Tổng thống Abraham Lincoln vừa mới nhận chức, phàn nàn ông vì đã để diễn ra cuộc nội chiến này. Đáp lại những lời kêu ca trên, Tổng thống kể cho họ nghe câu chuyện sau đây: - Có một người đàn ông nọ trở về nhà trong đêm mưa bão. Ông ta phải lội qua suối nhưng vì trời tối nên chẳng thấy đường. Rồi tia chớp lóe lên trong giây lát soi rõ lối cho ông. Tuy nhiên, theo sau tia chớp là tiếng sấm rền và rồi người đàn ông chỉ biết loay hoay đứng bên bờ suối than trời trách đất tại sao lại có tiếng sấm rền mà không chịu tiếp tục lội qua bờ suối để về nhà. Kể đến đây, Abraham Lincoln nhìn những viên chức kia và hỏi: - Theo quý vị, người đàn ông ấy làm như vậy liệu có về được tới nhà không? Bấy giờ các viên chức mới hiểu Tổng thống cần giải pháp thực tế chứ không phải những lời phàn nàn. Đến đây, Lincoln nói tiếp: - Giống như con gà trống và mặt trời, dù cho gà trống cất tiếng gáy báo hiệu bình minh nhưng chỉ có mặt trời mới xóa tan màn đêm, mang ánh sáng cho muôn loài, chọn gà trống hay chọn mặt trời là tùy quý vị 1. Các viên chức đến thăm Lincoln với mục đích gì? 2. Vì sao Lincoln lại kể câu chuyện trên cho họ? 3.Thông điệp nào từ văn bản có ý nghĩa nhất đối với anh chị 4. Tác hại của việc thường xuyên than thở, phàn nàn là gì? plaesssssss giúp mik với mik đg cần gấp

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