Exercise 1: Make exclamations with " WHAT" using these following clues: 1, beautiful princess/ My Chau 2, strong and kind young man/ Thach Sanh 3, wonderful lamp/ Aladdin 4, beautiful voice/ the Little Mermaid 5, delicious foods/ chung and day cakes   Exercise 2 : Choose the best answer A, B,C, D to complete the sentences  1, Thach Sanh was very ___________   when Ly Thong and his mother go back to their hometown.  A: selfish                      B: mean                     C: generous                              D: brave 2, The ogre was so _____________, and was about to catch Thach Sanh with its sharp claws  A: fierce          B: mean               C: clever          D: ugly 3, Thach Sanh was so ____________ that he could push back the troops with his magical rice pot.  A: kind       B : clever             C: hard- working          D: fast 4, An Tiem was very _____________ to move to a deserted island   A: brave             B : honest            C: kind                          D: generous 5, Khoai was very ____________, but him landowner was ______________  A: lazy- cunning               B : clever- brave          C: honest- wise       D:honest - cunning 6, Tam was a very __________ girl who had to work all day  A: mean                 B : generous                C:  hard- working              D: lazy 7, Cam  was very  __________ when she killed the nightingale, cooked it and threw the feathers in the Imperial Garden A: wicked                       B : ugly                      C: honest             D: mean 8, Luu Binh  was very ______________ to invite Duong Le to come and live with him A:  selfish                   B :  kind                  C: mean                 D: brave

2 câu trả lời

1. What a beauiful princess!

2. what a strong and kind young man!

3. What a wonderful lamp!

4. What a beautiful voice!

5. What delicious foods!


1. c

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. d

6. c

7. a

8. b

Exercise 2 :

1 - C ; 2 - A ; 3 - B; 4 - A;

5 - D; 6 - C ; 7 - A ; 8 - C