Exercise 1. Change the following sentences from active into passive form (Đổi các câu dưới đây từ thể chủ động sang thể bị động)  1. John collects money. 2. Anna opens the window. 3. We do our homework. 4. I ask a question. 5. He cuts out the picture. Exercise 2. Change the following sentences from active into passive form (Đổi các câu dưới đây từ thể chủ động sang thể bị động)  1 – The mad dog bit the little boy. 2– Lightning struck the house. 3– People speak English in almost every corner of the world. 4– People drink a great deal of tea in England. 5 – People spend a lot of money on advertising every day. Exercise 3. Change the following sentences from passive into active form (Đổi các câu dưới đây từ thể bị động sang thể chủ động)  1. A lot of grass is eaten by the sheep 2.Our rooms are not cleaned . 3. The car is not repaired by William . 4. Is this circle drew by Sue? 5.Is the dog fed ?

2 câu trả lời

Exercise 1. Change the following sentences from active into passive form (Đổi các câu dưới đây từ thể chủ động sang thể bị động) 

1.The money is collected by John

2.The window is opened by Anna

3.Our homework is done

4.A question is asked by me

5.The picture is cut out by him

Exercise 2. Change the following sentences from active into passive form (Đổi các câu dưới đây từ thể chủ động sang thể bị động) 

1.The little boy was bitten by the mad dog

2.The house was struck by lightning

3.English is spoken almost every corner of the world.

4.A great deal of tea is drunk in England

5.A lot of money on advertising is spent everyday

Exercise 3. Change the following sentences from passive into active form (Đổi các câu dưới đây từ thể bị động sang thể chủ động) 

1.The sheep eat a lot of grass

2.We do not clean our rooms.

3.William did not repair the car

4.Does Sue draw this circle?

5.Do you feed the dog?

1.Money is collected by John.

2.The window is opened by Anna.

3.Our homework is done by us.

4.The picture is cut out by him.

1.The little boy was bitten by the mad dog.

2.The house was struck by lightning.

3.English is spoken all over the world.

4.A great deal of tea is drunk in england

5.A lot of money on advertising is spent everyday.


1.The sheep eat a lot of grass.

2.They aren't clean our rooms.

3.Wiliam is not repair the car.

4.Does Sue drive this circle?

5.Does she/he fed the dog?

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