Ex1: Complete the sentences with the correct verb form in the bracket. 1.I’ll probably get lost unless he (come)with me. 2.You (not have)so many accidents if you drove more slowly. 3.If you (wear)a false beard, nobody would have recognized you. 4.If she (leave)the fish here, the cat will eat it 5.You (have)no trouble at school if you had done your homework.

1 câu trả lời

`1` comes

`=>` Câu đk loại `1` với unless

`(+)` Unless + S + V(s;es), + S + will / can + V-inf

`(-)` Unless + S + don't / doesn't + V-inf + .... + S + will / can / + V_inf

`2` wouldn't have

`=>` Công thức đk loại `2`

`-` Diễn tả `1` việc k có thật ở hiện tại 

`-` Đt thường

`(+)` If + S + V2 / ed + .... + S + would / could / ..... + V-inf

`(-)` If + S + didn't + V-inf + .... + S + would / could / ..... + not + V-inf 

`-` Đt tobe

`(+)` If + S + were + .... + S + would / could / .....  + V-inf 

`(-)` If + S + weren't + .... + S + would / could / ..... + not + V-inf 

`3` had worn

`=>` Cấu trúc đk loại `3`

`(+)` If + S + had + Vpp + .... + S + would  + have + Vpp

`(-)` If + S + hadn't + Vpp + .... + S + wouldn't + have + Vpp

`4` leaves

`=>` Câu đk loại `1` 

`(+)` If + S + V(s;es), + S + will / can + V-inf

`(-)` If + S + don't / doesn't + V-inf + .... + S + will / can / + V_inf

`5` would have had

`=>` Cấu trúc đk loại `3`

`(+)` If + S + had + Vpp + .... + S + would  + have + Vpp

`(-)` If + S + hadn't + Vpp + .... + S + wouldn't + have + Vpp