Ex 6: Give the correct form of the verbs . 1.The sun always (rise)_____ in the east. Look, it (rise)________! 2. I don’t think I (go) ________ out tonight. I’m too tired. 3. Where you (spend) ________your summer holiday last year, Tam? 4. In my country, it (not rain) ________ much in winter. 5. Let’s wait for Lien (arrive) ________ and we (have) dinner. 6. The moon (move) ________ around the earth. 7. Mai (be) ________ very happy when she (receive) ________ a letter from her sister this morning. 8. Would you like (join) ________my class next Sunday? We (visit) the local museum. 9. My father (read) ________ now. He always (read) ________a book after dinner. 10. A friend of my brother’s (call) ________ him last night, but he (not be) ________at home. So I (take) ________ a message for him. 11. - Are you busy this evening?Yes, I (meet) ________Tuan at the library at seven. We (study) ________together. 12. Mai (telephone) ________ you when she comes back. 13. When we (be) ________small, our family (live) ________ in the countryside. 14. Miss Trang is in hospital.- - Yes, I know. I (visit) ________ her tomorrow. 15. I (read) _______ an interesting book at the moment. I (lend) _______it to you when I finish it.

2 câu trả lời

1. rises-is rising

2. am going to go

3. spent

4. doesn't

5. to arrive- are going to have

6. moves

7. was-recived

8. to join

9. is reading-reads

10. called- was being-took

11. am going to meet- are going to

12. will telephone

13. were-lived

14. will

15. am reading. will

1. The sun always (rise) rises in the East. Look, it (rise) rising !

2. I don't think I (go) will go out tonight. I'm too tired.

3.Where ........did........ you (spend) ........spend....... your holiday last year, Tam?

4. In my country, it ( not rain ) doesn't rain much in the winter.

5. Let's wait for Lien ( arrive ) to arrive and we ( have ) will have dinner.

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