Ex 2: Complete the dialogue, using suitable verbs. Quang: Hi Van! What (0) are you doing (you/ do) right now? Van: I (1) _______ (read) my aunt’s travel blog posts. Ben: Wow, (2) _____ (be) she a blogger? Van: Yes, she is. She (3) _______ (often/ travel) to all sorts of interesting places around the world. She (4) _______ (be) in London as we speak! Ben: Cool! What (5) _______ (she/ do) for a living? Van: Well, she (6) _______ (get) paid to travel. Ben: (7) _______ (she/ enjoy) her job? Van: Yes, she does. Ben: How often (8) _______ (you/ see) her? Van: Only once every couple of months because she (9) _______ (always/ have) a tight schedule. However, she will come home soon and I (10) _______ (be) excited to see her!

2 câu trả lời

1. am reading


3. often travels


5.is she doing

6. is getting

7.does she ẹnjoy

8.do you see

9. always has

10. am

1. am reading

2. is

3. often travels

4. is

5. does she do

6. gets

7. Does she enoy

8. do you see

9. always has

10. am

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