Ex 2: Choose the correct words to complete the sentences 1. Don’t use …… chemicals. They’re harmful to our health. (to poison/ poison/ poisonous) 2. Water pollution has …….. the river. Nobody swims there. (contaminate/ contaminated/ contamination) 3. Water pollution causes the ……. of a lot of fish. (death/ to die/ dead) 4. Water pollution causes a lot of fish to …….. (death/ die/ dead) 5. The acid rain has caused great …….. to the environment. (damage/ damaged/ damager) 6. The polluted air ……… our health badly. (to damage/damages/ damage) 7. The serious ….. … has left the river with very few fish. (contaminate/ contaminated/ contamination) Ex 3: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of conditional sentences type 1 1. The bell (ring) …………………. if there (be) ……………. a fire. 2. The bike (break) …………………. if all three of you (get) ……………. on it! 3. If you (not learn) ………………… how to use a computer, it (be) …………………. hard to find a job. 4. We also (cut) …………………… down the amount of pollution we create if we (cut) ………………. down the use of fossil fuels. 5. If we (reuse) ……………. things, this (minimize) …………………. the dependence of making new things. 6. We (reduce) …………………… noise pollution if we (grow) ……………. more trees since they absorb sound. 7. If we (recycle) ……………. glass, we (reduce) ………………… air pollution by 20 per cent. 8. You (save) ………………….. 40 watt-hours a day if you (turn) ………………. off your computer before bedtime. 9. If you (hear) ………….. loud noise too often, you (have) ………………… hearing loss. 10. I (have) ……………….. no money left if I (buy) ……………….. that expensive book.

2 câu trả lời


1. poisonous

2. contaminated

3. death

4. die

5. damage

6. damages

7. contamination


1. will ring - is

2. will broke - get

3. don't learn - will be

4. We will also cut down... - cut

5. reuse - will minimize

6. will reduce - grow

7. recycle - will reduce

8. will save - turn

9. hear - will have

10. will have - buy.

Ex 2:

Tham khảo ở đây nhé:  https://hoidap247.com/cau-hoi/206364

Ex 3:

1: will ring - is

2: will break - get

3: don't learn - will be

4: cut - will cut

5: reuse - will minimize

6: will reduce - grow

7: recycle - will reduce

8: will save - turn

9: hear - will have

10: will have - buy

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