English is the ………………….. (1) language of the Philippines. English-medium education ………………….. (2) in the Philippines in 1901 after the arrival of some 540 US teachers. English was also chosen for newspapers and magazines, the media, and literary writing. The latest results from a recent survey suggest that about 65% of the …………………..(3) of the Philippines has the ………………….. (4) to understand spoken and………………….. (5) English with 48 person stating that they can write standard English. The economy is based on English, and successful workers and managers are fluent………………….. (6) English. ………………….. (7), many schools know that their………………….. (8) must be fluent in English to be successful.

2 câu trả lời

English is the official(1) language of the Philippines. English-medium education began(2) in the Philippines in 1901 after the arrival of some 540 US teachers. English was also chosen for newspapers and magazines, the media, and literary writing. The latest results from a recent survey suggest that about 65% of the population (3) of the Philippines has the ability (4) to understand spoken and written (5) English with 48 people stating that they can write standard English. The economy is based on English, and successful workers and managers are fluent in (6) English. Therefore(7), many schools know that their teachers (8) must be fluent in English to be successful.

(1) official 

(2) began/started

(3) population

(4) ability 

(5) written

(6) in

(7) Therefore

(8) students 

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