Each line has a mistake , find and correct it 1 . thank you for inviting me to the party , i wish i can but i can't 2 . he is used to drink coffee for breakfast but now he drinks milk . 3 . the kitchen is not very big but there's a lot of cupboards 4 . lukas can play the piano when he was two and now he practices it 5 . we were very poor when we were first in america , we can't buy anything 6. they are going on a sightsee tour of new york 7 . we have lived in vietnam for a long time , so we used to the hot 8. liverpool is an industry city in the north of england 9. primary school children can learn three language at school in malaysia 10 . the west and the east malaysia are separate by about 640 km of the sea

2 câu trả lời

1. Can -> could

2. Is used to -> used to

3. There is -> there are

4. Can -> could

5. Can't -> couldn't

6. Sightsee -> sightseeing

7. Have -> had

8. Industry -> industrial

9. Language _> languages

10. Separate -> separated


1. can -> could

2. is => bỏ

3. there's -> there are

4. can -> could

5. can't -> couldn't

6. sightsee -> sightseeing

7. used -> are used

8. industry -> industrial

9. language -> languages

10. separate -> separated