Do a search on a famous couple. Wrte about some importants events in theirs lives. Use past simple, past continous and past perfect.

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Everyone has events in their lives that makes an impact on who they become as a person. Some events that occur in their lives are more challenging than other, such as having a close family member pass away, which cause them to be strong. Many events are not so serious, but still causes an impact on their lives, such as moving to a new place which causes them to be courageous. I will be sharing the important events that I have stumbled upon in my life, and very important people in my life that have shaped me to the person I am today. The very first event that had occurred in my life that had really changed me, was the birth of my little brother. He was born in 2007, 4 years after I was. It made me want to be more responsible, since now I was going to be an older sister. Before he was born, I was obviously the only child and a very naughty, need all the attention type of a little girl. So, when I heard I was getting a little brother, I wanted to become a good role model for him. It taught me a lot of skills like leadership, teamwork, and being a good role model. These skills have really helped me a lot in school and life in general. This was one of the best changes in my life. The most tragic event that happened in my life was having my grandparents pass away. Before I was even born one of my grandfather had passed away. Two years ago, my grandma had passed away in September. Which was really hard on me since, she had lived with us since 2006 so it made even more difficult to get over it. After she passed away my grandfather who was living in India had passed away in May the following year. This tragedy has got me thinking, that time is very precious especially the ones we spend with our families. This event has made be become a more of a punctual person, therefore, I use my time very wisely when I am with my family. My other grandma lives in India, but I do talk to her very frequently on Skype or over a phone call. I really want her with me so I can spend much more time with her. Therefore, this has become one of the worst things that has happened to me. A really hard transition that has had happened in my life, was moving to Saskatoon from Ontario, in 2011. We went by road since we had to bring all of our

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