điền cụm động từ hoặc giới từ vào chỗ trống : 2,don't throw these newpapers................................ 6,please don't ..........................the tv i'm doing my homwork 7,my father knows smoking isn't good for his health but he can't......................... 8,i'm not ready to stop yet.i think i'll..............................working for a while 9,i...............................one of my high school friend this morning .we haven't seen each other for years 10,have you ever had to......................a baby for the whole week? 11,this machine automatically.........................after 2 minutes not in use

2 câu trả lời

2. away (throw something away: vứt đi)

6. turn on (turn on: bật)

7. give up (give up: bỏ cuộc)

8. go on (go on: đi tiếp)

9. ran into (run into: tình cờ gặp)

10. look after (look after: chăm sóc)

11. shuts down (shut down: tắt)

2. away

throw sth away: vứt đi

6. turn on

turn on: mở lên/ bật lên

7. give up

give up: từ bỏ

8. go on

go on: tiếp tục

9. ran into

run into: tình cờ gặp lại

10. look after

look after: chăm sóc

11. shuts down

shut down: tắt/ ngừng hoạt động