Đặt câu với những cấu trúc sau: 1. (to) get in touch with sb 2. (to) go away 3. On and off: Chốc chốc, thỉnh thoảng, ko liền mạch, ko liên tục 4. (to) name sb after sb/ sth 5. (to) do sth against the wish of sb 6, (to be) over 7, Beneath (prep) 8, Along (prep) 9, Among (prep) 10, Beyond (prep) 11, Through (prep) 12, Within (prep): bên trong, thuộc phạm vi 13, (to) carry out (v): tiến hành 14, (to) put off = to postpo ne(v) 15, (to) prefer doing sth to doing sth = would rather do sth than do sth 16, It + be + possible/impossible for sb to do sth 17, There + be + no point (in) V-ing 18, (to) get off the beaten track 19, (to) refer to 20, (to) have a reputation as 21, (to) bother (v) 22, A sense of adventure 23, (to) involve + N/V-ing (to) include + N/V-ing (to) consist of + N/V-ing 24, (to) meet the needs/the demand of sb

1 câu trả lời

1. How do you usually get in touch with your friends?

2.They've gone away for a few days.

3.It rained on and off all day.

4.Paul was named after his grandfather.

5. He left school against the wishes of his family 

6.It takes you a while to get over an illness like that.

7.Jaime hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.

8.They walked slowly along the road.

9.I found the letter amongst his papers.

10.It won't go on beyond midnight.

11.The sand ran through my fingers.

12.People who live within the city pay high taxes

13.Dr Carter is carrying out research on seven a.m

14.It's too late to put them off now.

15.I prefer flying to travelling by train.

16. It is impossible for me to play the guitar

17.There is no point in waiting for him

18. The farmhouse we stayed in was completely off the beaten track.

19. This paragraph refers to the events last year.

20. He has a reputation as the best singer in the country

21. Don't bother me

22. The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.

23.The trip to Andes gave us a sense of adventure.

24. It doesn't meet the demand of him