Đặt câu hỏi cho cụm từ đc in hoa 1. 5 BILLION was spent on its development 2. TWENTY PLANES have been built altogether 3. The House of Parliament were built in THE NINETEENTH CENTURY 4. Champagne is produced IN FRANCE 5. Our post is delivered TWICE A DAY 6. Three teenagers were given an award FOR BRAVERY yesterday

2 câu trả lời

1. 5 BILLION was spent on its development.

→ How much money were spent on its development?

2. TWENTY PLANES have been built altogether.

→ How many planes have been built altogether?

3. The House of Parliament were built in THE NINETEENTH CENTURY.

→ When were the House of Parliament built?

4. Champagne is produced IN FRANCE.

→ Where is champagne produced?

5. Our post is delivered TWICE A DAY.

→ How often is our post delivered?

6. Three teenagers were given an award FOR BRAVERY yesterday.

→ Why were Three teenagers given an award yesterday?

1 . How much was spent on its development ?

2 . How many planes have been built altogether ?

3 . When was the house of parliament built ?

4 . Where is Champagne produced ?

5 . How often is our post delivered  ?

6 . Why were three teenagers were given an award yesterday ?

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