dạng bị động 1: Elias Howe invented the sewing machine in 1845 2:The librarian did^t allow Tom to take those books home 3:The teachers won^t teach knowledge on recy cling tomorrow 4:Hoi An attracts a lot of tourists 5:Did all students attend fist -aid course last year 6:Farmer can milk cows twice a day 7:The nurse taught Hoa how to give Fist-aid on the phone 8:When I came ,he was repairing the computer 9:We will grow a lot of trees in the parks

2 câu trả lời

Đây nhé

1, The sewing machine was invented by Elias Howe in 1845.

2, Tom wasn't allowed to take those books homw by the librarian.

3, Knowledge on recycling will not be taught by the teachers tomorrow.

4, A lot of tourists is attracted by Hoi An.

5, Was the first-aid course attended by all students last year.

6, Cows can be milked by farmer twice a day.

7, Hoa was taught how to give first-aid on the phone by the nurse.

8, When I came, the computer was being repaired by him.

9, A lot trees will be grown in the parks by us.

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