Complete using the words in the box. 1. It is the (large)__________________________________ shop in town. 2. Bikes are (slow) __________________________________ than cars. 3. Ben was the (noisy) __________________________________ person in his family. 4. Sam is the (popular) __________________________________ in the class. 5. I am (good) __________________________________ at English than my brother. 6. In this classroom there are (many) _______________________________ girls than boys. 7. My friend is the (tall) __________________________________ in my class. 8. Which is the (difficult) __________________________________ subject at school? 9. Mary is the (thin) __________________________________ girl in the class. 10. Sandy is (thin) __________________________________ than Tamara.

2 câu trả lời

1. largest

2. more slow

3. noisier

4. most popular

5. better

6. more


8. most difficult

1. $largest$

2. $more slow$

3. $noisier$

4. $most$  $popular$

5. $better$

6. $more$


8. $most $ $difficult$

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