complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.use conditional sentences type 1: 1)if we dump all sorts of chemicals into river,we(not be) able to swim in them in the future. 2)many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if people(keep) polluting the environment. 3)if we all use public transport more ,we(help) reduce air pollution. 4)if we (not stop) over fishing the oceans, many species(become) extinct. 5)if everyone (recycle) paper,metal,and glass,we (not produce) so much rubbish. 6)we (have) dirty seafood if we(dump) rubbish into the sea. 7)if global warming (continue), temperatures( rise)even higher. 8)if light pollution (keep) growing,you(not be) able to see even the Big Dipper at night. 9)we(threaten) our own existence if we(not cut down) the waste rapidly.

2 câu trả lời

1. won't be

2. keep

3. will help

4. don't stop - will become

5. recycles - won't produce

6. will have - dump

7. continues - will rise

8. keeps - won't be

9. will threaten - don't cut down

1, won't be

2, keep

3, will help

4, don't stop; will become

5, recycles, won't produce

6, will have; dump

7, continues, will rise

8, keep; will not be

9, will threaten; don't cut down

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