Complete the sentences with correct form of the worlds in the brackets 1. It's book early, but not essential (advise) 2. It was ...................... mistake , I'm very sorry (regret) 3. The factory has been more ....................since we bought new automatic machine (produce) 4. Fire men wear ................. clothing otherwise they would get burnt (protect) 5. He's not afraid to take action. He's very ..................(decide) 6. Pack them carefully . They are ..............(break) 7. Whisky, of course is an .....................(drink) 8. He treated her injury although he had no .................. qualification. (medlcine)

2 câu trả lời

1. advised

2. regretted

3. product

4. protective

5. decisive

6. breakable

7. drink (bạn xem lại đề)

8. medicine

1. advised

2. regretful

3. productive

4. protective

5. decisive

6. breakable

7. N/A

8. medical

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