Complete the sentences using comparatives. 1. I think that Saturn is ............ (beautiful) than the other planets because of its rings. 2. Pluto is much ............ (far) from the sun than Earth. It’s also much .............(small) and .............(cold). 3. Earth is ......................(colourful) than Mars. Mk cần rất gấp!!!!

2 câu trả lời

1. I think that Saturn is ....... (beautiful) than the other planets because of its rings.

→ I think that Saturn is more beautiful than the other planets because of its rings.

2. Pluto is much ............ (far) from the sun than Earth. It’s also much .............(small) and .............(cold).

Pluto is much further from the sun than Earth. It’s also much smaller and colder.

3. Earth is ......................(colourful) than Mars.

→ 3. Earth is more colourful than Mars.

Bạn sử dụng công thức so sánh hơn nhé!

Với từ có 1 âm tiết(one syllable): Adj + er + than 

Vd: small → smaller

Với từ có hai âm tiết(two syllables): more + adj + than

Vd: beautiful → more beautiful

Những từ đặc biệt khác:

good → better

bad → worse

far → further

⇒ Sửa: The environment in the city is more polluted than that in the countryside.

Bạn tham khảo nhé :

1. I think that Saturn is more beautiful  than the older planets because of its rings.

2. Pluto is much furtherfrom the sun than Earth. It's also much smaller and colder.

3. Earth is more colourful than Mars.

Study well !

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