Combine the two sentences to complete the sentences. 1. I met the man. He works in the bank. (who) 2. Here are the letters. They arrived this morning. (which) 3. My grandfather is very old. He is still young at heart. (although) 4. Tom gets a lot of money. He works hard. (because)

2 câu trả lời

1.I met the man who works in the bank.

2.Here are the letters which arrived this morning.

3.Although my grandfather is very old, he is still young at heart.

4. Tom gets a lot of money because he works hard.

           Học tốt nha!!!

1. I met the man who works in the bank (tôi gặp người đàn ông ,người làm ở ngân hàng)

2. Here are the letters which arrived this morning (đây là những bức thư mà đã đến sáng nay)

3. Although my grabdfather is very old, he is still young at heart (dù ông tôi đã già , ông vẫn trẻ trong tim)

4. Tom gets a lot of money because he works hard( Tôm nhận được nhiều tiên vì đã làm việc nhiều)

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