COMBINE EACH PAIR OF SENTENCES, USING “SO AS (NOT) TO / IN ORDER (NOT) TO “ AND “SO THAT” 1. He always drives carefully. He doesn’t want to cause accidents. 2. I went to the college. I wanted to talk to Mr. Nam. 3. She wore warm clothes. She didn’t want to get cold. 4. We turned off the lights. We didn’t want to waste electricity. 5. He moved to the front row. He could hear the speaker clearly. 6. They are going to Australia. They want to study abroad. 7. We hurried to school. We didn’t want to be late. 8. She said nothing. She didn’t want to wake the baby up. 9. I’ll write to Nhan. I want to invite her to the party. 10. I’m learning English. I want to understand the lyrics from my favorite English songs. 11. Nam does morning exercises regularly. He wants to keep fit. 12. You should practice English every day. You can improve it rapidly. 13. Mrs. Mai gave up her job. She had more time with her children. 14. You have to wear warm clothes. You won’t catch a cold. 15. He hurried to the station. He didn’t want to miss the train. 16. Mr. Tan saves money. He can buy a new car.

1 câu trả lời

1.He always drives careful so as not to cause accidents.

2.I went to the college in order to talk to Mr. Nam.

3.She wore warm clothes in order not to get cold.

4.We turned off the lights so as not to waste electricity.

5.He moved to the front row so that he could hear the speaker clearly.

6.They are going to Australia in order to study abroad.

7.We hurried to school so as not to be late.

8. She said nothing in order not to wake the baby up.

9.I’ll write to Nhan in order to invite her to the party.

10.I’m learning English in order to understand the lyrics from my favorite English songs.

11.Nam wants to keep fit so that he does morning exercises regularly.

12.You should practice English every day so that you can improve it rapidly.

13. Mrs. Mai gave up her job in order to had more time with her children.

14.You have to wear warm clothes so as not to catch a cold.

15.He hurried to the station in order not to miss the train.

16.Mr. Tan saves money so that he can buy a new car.

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