chuyển những câu sau sang 2 thể còn lại 1.He is drinking milk. 2.She has many books. 3.There is a desk in the room. 4.I go to school at 7 o'clock.

2 câu trả lời

1.He isn't drinking milk

Is he drinking milk?

2.She doesn't have any books.

Does she have any books?

3.There isn't a desk in the room.

Is there a desk in the room?

4.I don't go school at 7 o'clock to

What time do you go to school?

1.He isn't drinking milk. Is he drinking milk? 

2.She doesn't have many books. Does she have many books?

3.There isn't a desk in the room. Is there a desk in the room? 

4. I don't go to school at 7 o'clock. Do you go to school at 7 o'clock?

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