Chuyển câu sau sang dạng bị động 1. The storm destroyed the city last night 2. They will cut grass tomorrow 3. People had done the task 4. We have met his friends 5. He likes cats very much 6. We drink tea very morning 7. Trang for got his name 8. People wash the clothes every morning

2 câu trả lời

1, the city was destroyed by the storm last night

2, grass will be cut tomorrow

3, the task had been done

4, his friends have been met

5, cats are liked very much

6, tea is drunk very morning

7, his name was forgotten by trang

8, the clothes are washed evry morning

note: by him ,, by her, by us... thì không cần viết trog câu bị động

1/ The city was destroyed by the storm last night

2/Glass will be cut by them tomorrow