Chuyển câu chủ động sang câu bị động hoặc ngược lại 1. They are going to repair the bridge next month => We are 2. The enjoy their parents taking them to the zoo => They enjoy 3. People supposed that the lion had escaped from the cage => The lion 4. I saw them playing foodball in the park => They 5. The teacher is correcting her essay => She 6. I remembered Nam offering me a beautiful present on my birthday => I remembered

2 câu trả lời

1,We are having the bridge repaired next month

2, They enjoy being taken to the zoo by their parents

3, The lion was supposed to have escaped from the cage

4, They were seen playing football in the park

5, She is having her essay corrected by the teacher

6, I remembered being offered a beautiful present on my birthday by Nam

1. They are going to repair the bridge next month

=> We are had to repair the bridge next month

2. They enjoy their parents taking them to the zoo

=> They enjoy being taken to the zoo by their parents

3. People supposed that the lion had escaped from the cage

=> The lion was supposed that it had escaped from the cage

4. I saw them playing foodball in the park

=> They were seen playing foodball in the park

5. The teacher is correcting her essay

=> She is being corrected her essay

6. I remembered Nam offering me a beautiful present on my birthday

=> I remembered being offered a beautiful present on my birthday by Nam

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