chuyển câu chủ động sang câu bị động hoặc ngược lại 1. The man gavr me a piece of paper with his address on it => I 2. What subjrcts have people discussed today ? => What 3. The boy brokr the window and took away some pictures => The window 4. It is impossiblr to solve this problem immediately => This problem 5. She wishes someone to carry her luggage to the hotel => She wishes

2 câu trả lời

1.The man gavr me a piece of paper with his address on it

=> I am given a piece of paper with his adress on it.

2.What subjrcts have people discussed today ?

=> What discussed people have subjected today?
3.The boy brokr the window and took away some pictures

=> The window is broken by the boy and taken away by some pictures.

4.It is impossiblr to solve this problem immediately

=> This problem is solved immediately.

5.She wishes someone to carry her luggage to the hotel

=> She wished she could carry her luggage to the hotel.

1.I am given a piece of paper with his adress on it.

2.What discussed people have subjected today?
3.The window is broken by the boy and taken away by some pictures.

4.This problem is solved immediately.

5.She wished she could carry her luggage to the hotel.

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