Chuyển các câu hỏi dạng đảo Có/Không sang câu bị động 26. Do they teach English here? 27. Will you invite her to your wedding party? 28. Has Tom finished the work? 29. Did the teacher give some exercises? 30. Have they changed the window of the laboratory? 31. Is she going to write a poem? 32. Is she making big cakes for the party? 33. Are the police making inquires about the thief? 34. Must we finish the test before ten? 35. Will buses bring the children home? 36. Have you finished your homework? II. Chuyển các câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng từ hỏi “H/WH” sau sang câu bị động 37. Why didn’t they help him? 38. How many games has the team played? 39. Where do people speak English? 40. Who are they keeping in the kitchen? 41. How can they open this safe? 42. What books are people reading this year? 43. How did the police find the lost man? 44. Who look after the children for you? 45. How long have they waited for the doctor? 46. What time can the boys hand in their papers? 47. Who lend you this book? 48. How many marks does the teacher give you? III. Chuyển các câu có 2 tân ngữ sau sang câu bị động 49. They paid me a lot of money to do the job. 50. The teacher gave each of us two exercise books. 51. Someone will tell him that news. 52. They have sent enough money to those poor boys. 53. They have given the women in most countries in the world the IV. Chuyển các câu với động từ tường thuật sau sang câu bị động 54. They think that he has died a natural death. 55. Some people believe that 13 is an unlucky number. 56. They say that John is the brightest student in class. 57. They reported that the President had suffered a heart attack. 58. I knew that they had told him of the meeting. 59. They declared that she won the competition. 60. They rumored the man was still living. 61. People think that Jack London’s life and writing’s represent the American love of adventure. 62. They reported that the troops were coming. 63. People believed that the earth stood still.

2 câu trả lời



26. Is English taught here?

27. Will she be invited to your wedding party?

28. Has the work been finished by Tom?

29. Were some exercises given by the teacher?

30. Has the window of the laboratory been changed?

31. Is a poem going to be written?

32. Are big cakes being made for the party by her?

33. Are inquires about the thief being made by the police?

34. Must the test be finished before ten?

35. Will the children be brought home by buses?

36. Has your homework been finishe?


37. Why wasn't he helped?

38. How many games have been played by the team?

39. Where is English spoken?

40. Who are being kept in the kitchen?

41. How can this safe be opened?

42. What books are being read this year?

43. How was the lost man found by the police?

44. By whom are the children looked after for you?

45. How long has the doctor been waited for?

46. What time can the boys' papers be handed in?

47. By whom is this book lent?

48. How many marks are given to you by the teacher?


49. I was paid a lot of money to do the job.

50. Each of us was given two exercise books by the teacher.

51. He will be told that news.

52. Those poor boys have been sent enough money.

53. The women in most countries have been given in the world.


54. He is thought to have died a natural death. 

55. 13 is believed to be an unlucky number.

56. John is said to be the brightest student in class.

57. The President was reported to have suffered a heart attack.

58. They were known to have told him of the meeting.

59. She was declared to win the competition.

60. The man was rumored to be still living.

61. Jack London's life and writing is thought to represent the American love of adventure.

62. The troops were reported to be coming.

63. The earth was believed to stand still.


26. Do they teach English here?

Is English taught here?

27. Will you invite her to your wedding party?

Will she be  invite to your wedding party?

28. Has Tom finished the work?

Has the work finished by Tom?

29. Did the teacher give some exercises?

Were some exercised given by the teacher?

30. Have they changed the window of the laboratory?

Has the window of the laboratory been changed?

31. Is she going to write a poem?

Is poem going to be written ?

32. Is she making big cakes for the party?

Is a big cake being made for the party?

33. Are the police making inquires about the thief?

Are the inquires about the thief being made by the police?

34.Must we finish the test before ten?

→Must the test be finished before ten?

35.Will buses bring the children home?

→Will the children be brought home with buses?

36.Have you finished your homework?

→Has your homework been finished?


37.Why didn’t they help him?

→Why wasn’t he helped?

38.How many games has the team played?

→How many games have been played by the team?

39.Where do people speak English?

→Where is English spoken?

40.Who are they keeping in the kitchen?

→Who are being kept in the kitchen?

41.How can they open this safe?

→How can this be opened safe?

42.What books are people reading this year?

→What books are being read this year?

43.How did the police find the lost man?

→How was the lost man found by the police?

44.Who look after the children for you?

→By whom are the children looked after for you?

45.How long have they waited for the doctor?

→How long has the doctor been waited for?

46What time can the boys hand in their papers?

→What time can their papers be handed in by the boys?

47 Who lend you this book?

→y whom is this book lent?

48How many marks does the teacher give you?

→How many marks are given to you by the teacher?


49.They paid me a lot of money to do the job.

→I was paid a lot of money to do the job.

50.The teacher gave each of us two exercise books.

→Each of us was given two exercise books by the teacher.

51.Someone will tell him that news.

→He will be told that news.

52.They have sent enough money to those poor boys.

→Those poor boys have been sent enough money.

53.They have given the women in most countries in the world the

→The women in most countries in the world have been given the right to vote.


54.They think that he has died a natural death.

→He is thought to have died a natural death.

55.Some people believe that 13 is an unlucky number.

→13 is believed to be an unlucky number.

56.They say that John is the brightest student in class.

→ohn is said to be the brightest student in class.

57.They reported that the President had suffered a heart attack.

→The President was reported to have suffered a heart attack.

58.I knew that they had told him of the meeting.

→They were known to have told him of the meeting.

59.They rumored the man was still living.

→She was declared to win the competition.

60They rumored the man was still living.

→The man was rumored to be still living.

61.People think that Jack London’s life and writing’s represent the American love of adventure.

→Jack London’s life and writing is thought to represent the American love of adventure.

62.They reported that the troops were coming.

→The troops were reported to be coming.

63.People believed that the earth stood still.

→The earth was believed to stand still.

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