CHOOSE THE WORDS THAT NEEDS CORRECTING 1. They are working at weekends so as to not delay the report. 2. I’ll give it to him when I will see him tomorrow afternoon. 3. The ambulance is going to be there in about 15 minutes. 4. The soccer match starts at 7.30. I think I go home to watch it with my family now. 5. She learnt English so that she can study in the US. 6. She asked me to use the towel to cover the wound and hold it tightly. 7. He often gets up early in order to reviewing lessons before school. 8. She came back home early so as for meet her friends. 9. She tried her best in order to not fail the examination. 10. Shall I to come to the station with you ? 11. Nam got up early this morning to going jogging with his friends. 12. I’ll keep the window open to let fresh air at. 13. Thank you very much to the present you sent me 3 days ago. 14. When somebody gets fainted, leave him or her lie flat.

2 câu trả lời

1.They are working at weekends so as to not=>not to delay the report.

2. I’ll give it to him when I will => bỏ see him tomorrow afternoon.

3. The ambulance is going to be there in => for about 15 minutes.

4. The soccer match starts at 7.30. I think I go =>will go home to watch it with my family now.

5. She learnt English so that she can =>could study in the US.

6. She asked me to use the towel to cover the wound and hold it tightly.

7. He often gets up early in order to reviewing =>review lessons before school.

8. She came back home early so as for =>to meet her friends. 9. She tried her best in order to not=> not to fail the examination.

10. Shall I to => bỏ come to the station with you ?

11. Nam got up early this morning to going =>go jogging with his friends.

12. I’ll keep the window open to let fresh air at=>in.

13. Thank you very much to =>for the present you sent me 3 days ago.

14. When somebody gets fainted, leave him or her lie =>lying flat.

                               1.They are working at weekends so as to not=>not to delay the report.

2. I’ll give it to him when I will => bỏ see him tomorrow afternoon.

                                 3. The ambulance is going to be there in => for about 15 minutes.

4. The soccer match starts at 7.30. I think I go =>will go home to watch it with my family now.

                                    5. She learnt English so that she can =>could study in the US.

 6. She asked me to use the towel to cover the wound and hold it tightly.

                                      7. He often gets up early in order to reviewing =>review lessons before school.

8. She came back home early so as for =>to meet her friends. 9. She tried her best in order to not=> not to fail the examination.

                                     10. Shall I to => bỏ come to the station with you ?

11. Nam got up early this morning to going =>go jogging with his friends.

                                   12. I’ll keep the window open to let fresh air at=>in.

 13. Thank you very much to =>for the present you sent me 3 days ago.

                                      14. When somebody gets fainted, leave him or her lie =>lying flat.

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