. Choose the word that is stressed differently from that of the other words.1. A. coffee B. Chinese C. Vietnamese D. Japanese2. A. reindeer B. volunteer C. engineer D. mountaineer3. A. koala B. official C. popular D. together4. A. historic B. attraction C. spectacle D. iconic5. A. aquatic B. artistic C. pollutant D. poisonousII. Match the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B tomake meaningful sentences6. air pollutionA. a result of using radioactive elementsfrom atomic energy stations.7. land pollutionB. a consequence of the excess dumping oftoxic waste8. thermal pollutionC. a contamination of both drinking waterfrom rivers, ponds an also sea water withlarge amounts of human and industrialwastes.9. radiation pollutionD. a consequence of the excessive andinappropriate use of artificial light.10. light pollutionE. a consequence of releasing excess heatfrom power plants, industries involved inmetals molding, etc.11. sound pollutionF. a contamination of natural air withdangerous gases.12. water pollutionG. a disturbance of silent environment withharsh loud III. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.13. Don’t drink that water. It’s ________.A. contaminated B. damaged C. dumped D. cleaned14. By the time we got to the cinema, the film ________.A. start B. had started C. starting D. started15. The team’s success was largely ________ to her efforts.A. since B. due C. because D. lead16. Eating too much sugar can ________ to health problems.A. make B. lead C. cause D. due17. I often drink coffee, but today I ________ tea.A. drank B. am drinking C. drink D. was drinking18. The old tradition of first-footing is still practiced today in ________.A. Scots B. Scottish C. Scotland D. Scotlanders19. The Maori in New Zealand greet each other by ________ their noses.A. punching B. blowing C. touching D. kissing20. There is a red maple leaf on the ________ of Canada.A. banner B. flag C. money D. badge21. If you ________ the president, what would you do to help the environment?A. are B. were C. had been D. will be22. The heavy rain has caused ________ in many parts of the country.A. floods B. drought C. storms D. snow23. Scientist have come up ________ new ways of saving energy.A. for B. along C. to D. with24. Waste water from many factories which is dumped ________ water bodies directly causewater pollution.A. into B. up C. to D. out25. Americans throw ________ twenty-eight and a half million tons of plastic in landfillsevery year.A. down B. about C. out D. awayIV. Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets to complete the sentenceVnDoc -u miễn phí26. For over 130 years, Akubra hats (make) ______________ its legendary stories inAustralia.27. While I (cross) _____________ the street, I (step)____________ on a banana skin and(fall) _________ heavily.28. If everyone (speak) _____________ the same language, do you think life (be)_____________ better?29. Last night I (read) _____________ when suddenly I (hear) _____________ a shout.30. Canada (share) _____________ the longest land border in the world with the UnitedStates.31. At present, the National Cherry Blossom Festival (occur) _____________ in Washington,D.C. to celebrate spring’s arrival.32. Ireland (win) _____________ the Eurovision Song Contest seven times.33. It (begin) _____________ to rain when I (plant) _____________ some flowers in thegarden.34. When they (walk) ________ down the stairs, they (hear) _____________ a strange noise.35. Annually, the National Eisteddfod festival of Wales (take) _____________ place foreight days at the start of August.36. Lan (practice) _____________ the piano while her sister (read) _____________ comicsat 7 o’clock last night.37. I’d probably buy a laptop if you (be) _____________ the cheaper.V. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find and correct it.38. Her grandmother is complaining so she's always dumping her school things in the floor.39. Water from power stations may cause water in rivers and lakes hotter.40. We've decided to cancel our picnic because of it's forecast to rain tomorrow.41. Radiation may result to childhood cancer.42. He worked in a noisy environment for a long time, because his hearing became worse.43. Researchers haven't found out what has led in the pollution of the river.VI. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets in each of the following sentences.44. Many seabirds were _____________ because of the oil spill. (die)45. Trees can’t grow here because the soil is too _____________. (pollute

2 câu trả lời

II. Choose the best answer (A,B,C or D) to complete the sentences:

6. The final examination will be held ___ June 12th, 2007.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. to

7. How many languages are there ___ the world?

A. in

B. on

C. over

D. through

8. Egypt is famous ___ ancient pyramid.

A. on

B. to

C. from

D. for

9. The boy looks very proud ___ his success at school.

A. on

B. of

C. at

D. in

10. When the trucks leave the police, the ground is covered ___ trash.

A. in

B. by

C. with

D. of

11. You have read this article on the website,________?

A. don't you

B. aren't you

C. didn't you

D. haven't you

12. All the students are looking forward ___ their summer vacation in the countryside.

A. to spend

B. spend

C. to spending

D. spending

13. Did your children enjoy ___ in the sea?

A. swimming

B. swim

C. to swim

D. swam

14. "When is Mr Ba planning to retire?

- He ___ for the company for thirty years now".

A. works

B. is working

C. will work

D. has been working

15. Flowers should ___ in warm places.

A. be keep

B. kept

C. be kept

D. be keeping

16. They went on walking ___ it started to rain.

A. though

B. because

C. but

D. despite

17. Study harder ___ the exam.

A. if you will fail

B. and you would fail

C. unless you fail

D. or you will fail

18. The girl wishes she ___ in Hue for the festival next week.

A. had stayed

B. was staying

C. stay

D. could stay

19. Miss Lan stopped ___ her letter because she had to leave for the hospital.

A. to write

B. write

C. writting

D. wrote

20. Do you know the man ___ car Jack is driving?

A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. whose

21. "I suggest going to Vung Tau on the weekend." - "___".

A. That's a fine day

B. That's a good idea

C. That's a trip

D. That's a reason

22. "___" - "Don't worry. I can fix it".

A. Are you worried?

B. May i fix your TV?

C. The TV is out of order again.

D. I want to fix your TV.






II. Choose the best answer (A,B,C or D) to complete the sentences:


















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