Choose the word that has the CAPITAL LETTER pronounced differently from that of the others. 1 point sUstainable statUs destrUction natUre Choose the word that has the CAPITAL LETTER pronounced differently from that of the others. 1 point biOdiversity biOgas biOlogy biOsphere Choose one word whose stress is placed differently from the others. 1 point successful cognitive different wonderful Choose one word whose stress is placed differently from the others. 1 point similar symbolic effective eternal When do you intend to TIE THE KNOT with your Japanese girl? 1 point break up fall in love get married live under the same roof Water pollution is a result of dumping POLLUTANTS such as detergents, pesticides, oil, and other chemicals in rivers, which makes the water unclean. 1 point substances stuffs contaminants wastes "Green" tourists or "eco-tourists" are UPSET by the effects of mass tourism. 1 point tense troubled nervous relaxed The United Nations has declared the celebration of the International Day of Ecotourism, to PROMOTE sustainable practices in this growing industry. 1 point favour raise boost delay Lily: “I’m sorry. I can’t be of more help in this matter”. –Tuan: “ ....................................................” 1 point Yes, the matter is helpless That’s fine. I understand You are welcome That’s a problem You must slow down in built-up areas. __ you drive in the city, it is ___ that you’ll have an accident. 1 point The faster and faster / the more The faster / the more probable The more and more fast / the more and more probable The more fastly / the probable “What’s the matter? You don’t look very well.” – “I feel a little __________.” 1 point under the weather out of the blue out of order down to earth "Why don't we go to Lionel's for dinner tonight?” - “Is that the new restaurant ____ has just opened on the other side of town?" 1 point which where that it which it Women and men must have shape society and their own lives. 1 point directions ways behaviours rights There will be ____, too. Some areas will become wetter while others will become much drier. 1 point weather changes weather forecasts climatic change climate changes If you buy souvenirs made from endangered animals or plants, you ____ contribute to making them become extinct. 1 point would might could are

1 câu trả lời

Choose the word that has the CAPITAL LETTER pronounced differently from that of the others.


Choose the word that has the CAPITAL LETTER pronounced differently from that of the others.


Choose one word whose stress is placed differently from the others.


Choose one word whose stress is placed differently from the others.


When do you intend to TIE THE KNOT with your Japanese girl?

get married

Water pollution is a result of dumping POLLUTANTS such as detergents, pesticides, oil, and other chemicals in rivers, which makes the water unclean.


"Green" tourists or "eco-tourists" are UPSET by the effects of mass tourism.


The United Nations has declared the celebration of the International Day of Ecotourism, to PROMOTE sustainable practices in this growing industry.


Lily: “I’m sorry. I can’t be of more help in this matter”. –Tuan: “ ....................................................”

That’s fine. I understand

You must slow down in built-up areas. __ you drive in the city, it is ___ that you’ll have an accident.

The faster / the more probable

“What’s the matter? You don’t look very well.” – “I feel a little __________.”

under the weather

"Why don't we go to Lionel's for dinner tonight?” - “Is that the new restaurant ____ has just opened on the other side of town?"


Women and men must have shape society and their own lives.


There will be ____, too. Some areas will become wetter while others will become much drier.

climate changes

If you buy souvenirs made from endangered animals or plants, you ____ contribute to making them become extinct.
