Choose the correct word between bracket 1. He ... wear a pair of glasses. (used to/ use to/ used) 2. "Are you a bus driver?" - "No, not anymore, but I ...". (used to/ used to be/ use to be) 3. When a boy I ... a kite in the afternoon. (would to fly/ used to fly/ have flown) 4. He ... arrive at the office on time. (used always to/ used to always/ always used to) 5. Susan ... early when she stayed with us. (has got up/ used to get up/ gets up).

2 câu trả lời

1) used to

2) used to be

3) used to fly

4) always used to

5) used to get up


1. used to

2. useed to be

3. used to fly

4. always used to

5. used to get up