Choose the best answer. 1. What can be done to protect people from __________ disasters? 1 điểm A.environment B.environmental C.environmentally D.environmentalist 2. Emergency teams are still clearing the __________ from the plane crash. 1 điểm A.debris B.dust C.piece D.waste 3. The government is sending __________ to the flood victims 1 điểm A.touch B.aid C.accommodation D.provision 4. Much of the town was rebuilt after the massive __________ of the tornado. 1 điểm A.peace B.humour C.destruction 5. The government has declared a state of _________ following the earthquake. 1 điểm A.accident B.situation C.extension D.emergency 6. A ________ is sudden flooding that occurs when water rises quickly within several hoursof a heavy rain. 1 điểm A. rapid flood B. hot flood C. quick flood D. flash flood 7. Thousands of buildings and houses were completely destroyed when the earthquake ____ the city 1 điểm A.fought B.struck C.happened D.arrived 8. Volcano is a mountain with a large opening at the top through which gases and lava are forced out into the air, or have been in the past. 1 điểm True False 9. Cyclone is a violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in a circle 1 điểm True False 10. Tsunami is a storm in a desert during which sand is blown into the air by strong winds 1 điểm True False

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