Chơi sạch điểm lun Write a paragraph giving your opinion about life in the countryside. You may use the following cues: people(friendly...) life (peaceful, simple, slow,...) food ( cheap, fresh,...) traditional activities. Viết giùm nhoa!

2 câu trả lời

I think life in the countryside has some benefits. Firstly, most of the villagers are friendly and hospitable so we can easily make friends with them. They are always ready to help whenever someone is in trouble. Second, life in the countryside is peaceful and simple. City people are easily stressed by pollution, work pressure, emulation, ... on the contrary, those bad things in rural areas rarely happen. There aren't any vehicles on the road like in the city and that's why the countryside doesn't get as polluted as cities. Third, the food is obviously fresher and cheaper. We can eat without worrying about food safety as vegetables are grown naturally. Finally, traditional activities are fun to participate in, with each region having its own activities that attract visitors. For these reasons, the countryside is the perfect place for me to live in.

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