Chia động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn (các từ trong ngoặc là các từ cần điền, các ô trống để điền) 1. My parents (be) very tired after the trip. 2. I (buy) a lot of gifts for my little sister. 3. Lan and Mai (see) shaks, dolphins and turtles at Tri Nguyen aquarium. 4. Trung (eat) chicken and rice for dinner. 5. They (talk) about their holiday in Hoi An. 6. Phuong (return) to Ha Noi yesterday. 7. We (think) the food was delicious. 8. Yesterday, I (go) to the restaurant with a client. 9. We (drive) around the parking lot for 20 mins to find a parking space. 10. When we (arrive) at the restaurant, the place (be) full. 11. The waitress (ask) us if we (have) reservations. 12. The waitress (tell) us to come back in two hours. 13. My client and I slowly (wark) back to the car. 14. Then we (see) a small grocery store. 15. We (stop) in the grocery store and (buy) some sandwiches. 16. That (be) better than waiting for two hours. 17. I (not go) to school last Sunday. 18. She (get) married last year? 19. What you (do) last night? - I (do) my homework. 20. I (love) him but no more. 21. Yesterday, I (get) up at 6 and (have) breakfast at 6. 30. 22. They (buy) that house last year. 23. She (not go) to school yesterday. 24. That boy (have) some eggs last night.

2 câu trả lời

1. were

2. bought

3. saw

4. ate

5. talked

6. returned

7. thought

8. went

9. drove

10. arrived...were

11. asked...had

12. told

13. walked

14. saw

15. stopped..bought

16. was

17. didn't go

18. did she get

19. did you do...did

20. loved











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