Chia động từ: Now i (knit) ... a hat for my cat and my brother (read) his favourite fairy tales. I (go out) to buy some book when the telephone (ring). The fox (swallow) her grandma, then he (lie down) on the bed and (cover) himself with a blanket of disguise as her grandma.

2 câu trả lời

Now i (knit) knitting...... a hat for my cat and my brother (read) is reading    his favourite fairy tales.
I (go out) was going out to buy some book when the telephone (ring). rang 
The fox (swallow) swallowed  her grandma, then he (lie down)  lay down  on the bed and (cover) covered  himself with a blanket of disguise as her grandma.


1. am knitting/is reading

2. was going out / rang

3.  swallowed/lay down/covered

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