Bài 6: Chuyển câu chủ động sau thành câu bị động. 1. Someone robbed the women on her way home last night. _________________________________________________________________. 2. Someone found my bike near the river bank. __________________________________________________________________. 3. Tom fixed the broken table in my room. __________________________________________________________________ 4. He hurt his back yesterday. __________________________________________________________________. 5. Tom’s classmates bullied him when he was seventh grader. __________________________________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

1. The women was robbed on the way home last night.

2. My bike was found near the river bank

3. The broken table was fixed by Tom in my room.

4. His back was hurt by him yesterday.

5. Tom was bullied by his classmates when he was seventh grader.

1) the women were robbed last night by someone

2)My bike was found near the river by someone

3)The table was repaired in a dark room by Tom

4)yesterday he had backache

5)in 7th grade he was bullied by his friends

lâu lắm r mih mới làm lại cái này nếu sai mong bạn thông cảm

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